One of my XCOM soldiers ended up looking just like One Night from the Abyss, so I had to find a mod for a cowboy hat.

One of my XCOM soldiers ended up looking just like One Night from the Abyss, so I had to find a mod for a cowboy hat. I only found a "gunslinger hat" but close enough. She ended up a sharpshooter, so I'm giving her all the pistol abilities. And then the best part is that when she got her nickname, it was "High Noon."



  1. reload that shit when she dies. it's okay.

  2. Oh, I save scum like a motherfucker.

  3. Noooo, Ironman is the only one true way.

  4. gregory blair Darn tootin' I went through at least 10 runs before hitting the final mission.

  5. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  6. Casey G. That's also why I haven't finished the first one.

  7. You know what Casey G.​ I just started up the first one today. I'ma at least finish the regular game, pre-expansion. Then I think I will do long war and expansion at the same time. Too much?

  8. I never did the Long War. But I hear good things.

  9. Yeah me neither. My understand was that they took a bunch and put it into 2 so since I don't have that then... Long War!


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