Strangely, I never really thought about Storm Troopers when I was writing Stay Frosty.

Strangely, I never really thought about Storm Troopers when I was writing Stay Frosty. But Tom McGrenery's Stormtroopers+Death Frost Doom got me thinking about two scenarios:

Escape from Endor: Troopers cut off from the Shield Generator have to fight their way through rebel commandos hunting them, hordes of stealthy cannibalistic ewoks, and the monsters in the ewok TV movies to reach a shuttle at a remote outpost.

Kylo’s Cannon Fodder: First Order Stormtroopers with poor evaluations are sent out with Kylo Ren while he hunts ancient Sith artifacts. Ren never goes into these Sith outposts first. He waits for the troopers to set off every trap before going in himself.


  1. This sounds great. Anybody got suggestions for randomizing storm trooper designations?

  2. Slightly meh Flash generator: - Scratch - Stormtrooper number generator

    Or... First letter of your first name + last letter of your middle name + day & month of your birthday.

  3. Or paste this into Excel (and write out the alphabet in cell A2): =MID(A2, RANDBETWEEN(1,26),1)&MID(A2, RANDBETWEEN(1,26),1)&RANDBETWEEN(100,9999)


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