Card game variations fascinate me.

Card game variations fascinate me.
My family plays Canasta, which looking at this website, is closest to Hand & Foot Canasta, and even more specifically, the Saskatchewan Hand & Foot rules. Our “houserules” being:
-Black threes are worth nothing
-Points to meld are based on the team’s score, like in regular Canasta, not on which hand it is.
-No “hidden canastas” (I’d never heard that before)
-No “wild canastas” with just wild cards
-To go out a team needs two clean and two dirty Canastas
-Red threes are not played on the table, they stay in your hand until you can play them on a clean Canasta.
-and some other stuff about the conditions under which you can pick up the discard pile.

My personal rule is to call dirty canastas Nasty Canastas.


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