It’s been quite awhile since I posted anything about dyslexia.

It’s been quite awhile since I posted anything about dyslexia. That is because thousands of dollars of testing and tutoring with organizations that know how to diagnose and teach kids with dyslexia works. Since getting to middle school, Abby has had just about straight A’s. Before this school year started, we didn’t even demand a meeting with her counselors to make sure they knew what they were doing. The only action we are taking is emailing her teachers to remind them of her status and things they should and shouldn’t do.
Should: give plenty of notice for writing assignments. Be aware of her taking longer to do work.
Should not: Call on her to read out loud in class. Expect a ton of reading or writing to be done in one night.

This APM Reports documentary is really hard to listen to. It’s like hearing our story over and over. When you’re dealing with this, you don’t know that there are other people going through the same exact thing. So, if you’ve got a kid, maybe listen. If they get to school age and are struggling, you’ll be way more ahead of the game than we were. We didn’t understand until she had struggled for more than 5 years. If you have questions about dyslexic kids, feel free to ask questions or PM me.


  1. in uk id be dyslexic
    in australia they don't have a name for me
    non-specific learning disorder
    i had uni email me about my complaints on web site where they boasted i couldn't be effected by a website issue because of one change they made - i said that issue is 5% of dyslexics and they got mad at me

    im ok with stuff that interests me - boring stuff i dont believe in just to get a cert i have trouble with

  2. "Non-specific learning disorder." Australia is appropriating the US's lawyer-speak for "medical condition we don't want to pay for." Our school wouldn't use the word "dyslexia." The diagnosis was "Specific learning disorder in reading and writing."

  3. as a educator i see undiagnosed poor kids heaped together and middlclass kids get personal support and centres get extra staff - non citizen imigrants cant get anything yet a kid with problems affects quality of all the kids around them

  4. My wife and I often wondered how non-native english speakers or low income families would deal with any of this.

  5. dont get diagnosed properly unless school has funds or dept gets involved over welfare - makes hard for educators - ppl tend to blame problems on other things like welfare issues or culture - bart simpson has some great moments like this

  6. This is very interesting to me, and I wish they had been better at diagnosing this when I was in school.

  7. We should talk sometime, since our kids go to the same school. My son is in 5th grade this year, and he's had an IEP for a year. His 3rd grade teacher recommended he be evaluated and it took all year. We wondered why something couldn't have been done sooner. It's frustrating that it comes down to money--especially since we live in a rich school district, and families are dying to get their kids into our elementary school! We do know another family that did have to fight the school for help. Meanwhile, my daughter started kindergarten, and she just read me her first reader, probably much better than her brother ever did!

  8. Anytime, Erik MORNES​! Robbinsdale did not want to deal with it at all, that's for sure. So when we could get Coop in Hopkins, we did.

  9. Casey G. See, I went to Robbinsdale, and when we were buying a house, my mother insisted we get one in Hopkins. (Probably the only time I listened to her!) I'm glad he's getting the help he needs, but I still think it could've been a year or two sooner.

  10. My mom volunteered for CASA (a social worker system that assigns an advocate to a child in the foster system who need representation in the court system) and spotted a serious learning disability in a kid that somehow hadn't been noticed by the foster parent or any teachers (kid could not read at all, and was in a grade where they ought to have been reading fluently), so the answer for low income kids is: maybe if they get really lucky.

    The foster mom couldn't handle the necessary paperwork so my mom got the kid the necessary learning plan and help. But not all kids in foster care get a bureaucracy fairy.


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