I’ve been reading Bone to Coop at bedtime.

I’ve been reading Bone to Coop at bedtime. Haven’t read it since Abby was about the same age. It’s still fantastic. And this panel from right after Thorn cuts off Kingdok’s arm is one of my favorites.


  1. i've been encouraging G to read bone on his own. we're reading harry potty out loud together. even though he's a couple of years too old for the first book. can't really skip up to the age appropriate material.

  2. I don't know what this is but that's pretty art. Is the story complete or ongoing?

  3. It was a black and white indie comic in the 90's and early 2000's. Once it was complete Scholastic picked it up and published it as graphic novels (and colored it). It's really popular with kids.

  4. So that's where they got the idea for the new star wars CGI critter...


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