“Once Commander In Chief hits the market, it’s gonna blow up just like Terra Mystica did, but right now funding is...

“Once Commander In Chief hits the market, it’s gonna blow up just like Terra Mystica did, but right now funding is the biggest issue,” said Obama, sitting at his dining room table and showing off a prototype that included a 4-by-4 foot game board, stacks of handwritten index cards labeled “event” and “item,” and a set of polyhedral dice. “I drained our bank account to pay this specialty manufacturer to make the game components, and I’m hoping the Kickstarter money will cover the cost of renting warehouse space to store the finished product.”

Originally shared by The Onion

"Once people see how fun it is to craft and deliver their very own 90-minute State of the Union address covering every major issue in politics, they’re going to want to buy this."


  1. Michelle's face is exactly how I look at most boardgames these days- fiddly bits and no gameplay.

  2. Trump’s version has already been done - Monopoly (here’s hoping for ‘Go directly to jail’).
    Too political?

  3. I believe in you, Barack! And I believe in beautiful sprawling byzantine Ameritrash gaming!*

    (*I really do, though.)

  4. Oh my god some of the comments on the original post


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