Onto The Reverse of the Medal.

Onto The Reverse of the Medal. This is one of the most interesting Aubrey/Maturin books because of how much of it takes place on land and you get a lot of details about London and English law. Also thieftakers, Bow Street Runners, spies, and cricket.

This is one of my favorite passages. Stephen has become rich by inheritance, and his spymaster asks him if wealth has changed him.


  1. It definitely stands out in my memory. The first part is some of the most depressing stuff I've ever read in an adventure story as Jack mostly sits at home and contemplates being old.

  2. That might be the next one. Jack starts this one with his run of bad luck on the way back to England. And then systematically breaks down his faith in the law and the navy. I think The Letter of Marque starts with him contemplating no longer being in the navy, like you say.


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