Games Played 2017

Games Played 2017
The numbers are in.
Total games played: 258

Board Games: 57
Most played: Dungeon 12 plays

Card Games: 76
Most played: Dutch Blitz 16 plays

Dice Games: 11
Most played: Space Scrappers 3 plays

Miniatures Games: 15
Most played: Snubfighter 6 plays

Party Games: 10
Most played: Codenames 8 plays

RPG’s: 64
Most played: D&D 5e 23 plays

Trading Card Games: 8
Most played: Pokemon 8 plays

Wargames (hexes, chits, etc): 11
Most played: Tide of Iron 5 plays

Word Games: 6
Most played: Bananagrams 5 plays


  1. We used to play Dutz Blitz all the time. :) Qute a rush.

  2. Dutch Blitz is the devil. Try it while cranking the Fury Road soundtrack sometime. Heart attack inducing.

  3. You played Tide of Iron five times?? That's awesome. Love that game but always wished I could just hire someone to set it up/put it away for me.

  4. 3 of those are the intro scenarios. Pretty short. Two were longer scenarios. All were solo, or me and Coop and Coop getting bored.

  5. Nice. I achieved my goal of beating Casey G. in non RPGs for the year. Or what I classify as "boardgames" (boardgames, card games, dice games, miniatures - They blend too much to separate for me). I couldn't hope to compete though when you include RPGs [in brackets]

    Casey G.: 194 [258]
    Me: 203 [220]

  6. Jesus man thats amazing and you are a hero.


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