Hostiles was kind of a stinker.

Hostiles was kind of a stinker. A revisionist western should have been solidly in my wheelhouse, but it was ham-handed and preachy instead of thoughtful and subtle. And it's still 70% about the tortured white dude, 25% about the tortured white lady, and 5% about the literally tortured native americans. And despite not being an overly talkative movie, the characters talked too much. Not enough show and too much tell.

Super strong opening scene. Fucking stupid finale.


  1. I saw the ad a couple months ago and forgot it was coming out. Bummer.

  2. I was debating. But the trailer made it look like misery porn, which I'm not all that into.

  3. It was bad misery porn, like the Homesman, as opposed to good misery porn, like No Country For Old Men.

  4. That's good, but maybe go buy a copy of Last of the Mohicans or Avatar if you don't have one.

  5. Wes Studi had a terrible death in Deep Rising.


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