I finally cracked Ghost Archipelago and made a crew.

I finally cracked Ghost Archipelago and made a crew. The spells that Wardens have are hilarious. I decided to base the crew on my Reptus minis from Reaper, with a Wave branch Warden. They can conjure a pool of deep water underneath someone. And then drown them in it. Great stuff.

Paolo Greco have you looked at this one yet?



  1. I had heard about that one, never got a copy. Are the rules the same as Fristgrave, just new spells and characters? Or did they change things up more?

  2. it feels much different. Instead of wizard and apprentice you have a heritor and a whatchamacallit, which have powers, but work differently, and campaign finances work differently.

  3. Yeah, your main characters are different, but the combat rules are the same.

  4. Sounds like I should give it a look then. I don't think I have any island jungle terrain though....


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