Please enjoy First Avenue. It’s an old Greyhound bus station. Prince and some other local kids made it a church.

Please enjoy First Avenue. It’s an old Greyhound bus station. Prince and some other local kids made it a church.

When we almost collide in a doorway, we will say “Ope.” It’s pure instinct at this point. We don’t know why we say it. We’re sorry we ran into you. We said “Ope.” Let’s move on.

Be ready to experience first-class passive aggression. If someone says your old school Ron Jaworski Eagles jersey is “interesting,” they are not a fan. If someone says, “I’m not mad,” they are, in fact, mad.


  1. RE: The “Fargo” accent.
    Most people in the suburbs of "The Cities" have it. They just don't admit it, dontchaknow.

  2. No mention of Duck, duck, grey duck...

    Seriously though, seeing documentation of things like this is really interesting. I've been in MN for 13 years and some change and the bits that I've adopted and the ones that I haven't are sort of neat. Like, I didn't even realize "ope" was a regionalism that I've picked up -- it's just totally natural. But the four-way stop thing, I'll never adopt...I just go if someone shows even slight hesitation.

  3. Duck Duck Grey Duck is the weirdest thing


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