Saga: Age of the Wolf

Saga: Age of the Wolf
My Britons met Monty Luhmann's Saxons on the field battle. But the dice were not with Hardwyr of the Britons, and the saxon dogs were victorious after rolling yahtzees of 6's on a huge attack.


  1. How is Saga? I read about it when you started prepping.

  2. It's fun! The Battle Board is a good gimmick. Most games you've got your "powers" or whatever based on the models you have and you set up your strategy based around combos of models. In Saga the powers you have available are based on your Saga dice roll. Then depending on what you get, you assign your powers. The randomness adds a nice "fog of war" element.

  3. Also, I'm getting into it just as it's getting a new edition. Par for the course for me.

  4. Saga is great. And there’s an Arthurian Set.


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