So Wizkids makes unpainted miniatures for D&D now?

So Wizkids makes unpainted miniatures for D&D now? Who knew? These oxen were super cheap. I'll use them as objectives or scenery for Saga.


  1. I just bought three minis from WK. Both from the pathfinder set, though they also make the D&D set too.

    A silver dragon for my eldest and a female human fighter for myself. Quality is great, primered out of the box and only 5 bucks each!

  2. to clarify, the female fighter pack had 2 minis, so 3 figs for 10 bones.

  3. These were $4 for a pack of two. Since they were already primed, I did this all today. Very nice.

  4. Yeah, the D&D and Pathfinder unpainted lines are really coming along nicely.

    For the character ones, you always get 2 to a pack for about $5.

  5. They have a cool familars pack, and then of course the deluxe tavern bar set.

  6. Nice. These have been on my list to get. First ones I’ve seen painted. Looks great!!


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