The kids are learning the evils of capitalism from their mom while I paint.

The kids are learning the evils of capitalism from their mom while I paint.


  1. None of them have stumbled upon the 'buy up any property and all the houses' strategy yet?

  2. That was everyone's strategy. But Coop was the first one lucky enough to get houses on all his property and as he was converting to hotels Abby went bankrupt. She had bankrupted her mom earlier.

  3. I should have been more clear... I was talking about the one where you buy up housesand dump them on any property you can, but purposely don't upgrade to hotels. It's apparently supposed to prevent other players from developing their properties much at all since there's only 24 houses or something. Haven't played in ages, but I have seen this strategy repeatedly posted as clickbait.

  4. Ahhh...against the spirit of the rules I think. I'd issue more houses.

  5. Is it? Seems like monopolizing the houses would be very much in the spirit of dickery. We should discuss over lunch tomorrow or Friday.


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