Twin Cities peeps. Some Stay Frosty action tonight!

Twin Cities peeps. Some Stay Frosty action tonight!

Originally shared by Jay Exonauts

It's gonna' be cold this weekend -- why not warm yourself by the crimson glow of Kylo Ren's lightsaber? Come join his Special Operations Battalion (S.O.B.s) and make things complicated for the Rebelscum in your life!

GM: Patrick Schifano
Rules: Stay Frosty by Casey G.
You: First Order swine
Them: Resistance blaster fodder


  1. So the mission was mostly dealing with the dangers of action movie jungles(quicksand, sci-fi pitfall traps, a giant carnivorous bush), negotiating an underwater waterfall, pocket droids, and going through Bacta like it was nobodies business.


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