Listening to The Commodore.

Listening to The Commodore. Lots of talk of Jesuit’s Bark as a medicine, apparently good for fever and Malaria. Wikidpedia article on Jesuit’s Bark leads me to the article on Cinchona, then to Quinine, where I hit this bit:
According to tradition, the bitter taste of anti-malarial quinine tonic led British colonials in India to mix it with gin, thus creating the iconic gin and tonic cocktail.



  1. Richard G probably knows this, because British Navy, colonialism, and booze.

  2. I knew it because Gin and Tonic is my jam :-)

    Occasionally European colonialism had positive results...most benefiting my belly.

  3. I learned about it in a Medical Anthropology class. (social) Science!

  4. gin, also, was considered medicine. Sometimes, in some places...

  5. I am well acquainted with gin's power as an anesthesia and later, as an emetic.


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