A blizzard on April 14th. The last time I saw this much snow in April it was Nineteen-tickety-seven and a few days later my town flooded and I had to evacuate for weeks.
I have the same look on my face as this taun-taun.
Originally shared by Jonathan Tweet Tonight, my "Lethal Damage" 13th Age campaign draws to a close. Meanwhile, the guys are work have talked me into running a couple D&D sessions for them. That was the day 13th Age was announced, and they're happy to play 13th Age instead. That will be my "Great Center" campaign, based in the imperial capital of Axis, the center of the world. It's my opportunity to explore the setting from yet another perspective.
Where did it all go wrong, Casey? I can’t pinpoint it, but it was already too late when they remade 3:10 to Yuma and took a movie that was mostly two men talking about morality in a hotel room and put in a Gatling gun.
I'd been comforting myself that it hadn't snowed in April since 4/8/07, but then it did twice this week. Global warming my ass am I right