Packed my reproduction black-powder revolvers last night.

Packed my reproduction black-powder revolvers last night. I put them back in their boxes and noticed on my Colt Navy's box was a copy of the engraving that is on the cylinder with the note engaged 16 May 1843. That is the date of a naval battle I'd never heard of, The Battle of Campeche, where the Republic of Texas navy, hired as privateers by and fighting with the navy of the Yucatan, took on Mexico's modern ironclad steamships and fought them to a standstill. The only time wooden ships would successfully engage ironclads.


  1. I really have no desire for any kind of modern handgun but sometimes I look at the Uberti Colt Navy cartridge conversions.

  2. I have an army and navy revolver because Josie Wales.

  3. My Walker is a lot of fun. 60 grains of black makes for a nice boom and smoke cloud.


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