Terra dinosaurs on clearance at Target.

Terra dinosaurs on clearance at Target.


  1. You ever get annoyed at much better dinosaur toys are now compared to when you were a kid?

  2. No, because I can just buy all I want now.

  3. Wow, Carnotaurus even has the gimpy abelisaurid arms. Nice. Can't tell what the red guy's supposed to be, though.

  4. All right. I wonder if they chose these carnivores specifically because they probably weren't feathered.

  5. Zzarchov Kowolski We bought my kid a $100 dinosaur toy that was $300 new. She's still too young for it but hopefully it'll be worth it later.

  6. Paul Vermeren here's the current line. There's a therizinosaur and in the description it says it probably didn't have feathers because of its size, which is...totally wrong.

    But I've seen lots of birds and dinosaurs from other companies, like Scleich, that sculpted feathers no problem.
    terrauniverse.com - Dinosaurs | Terra by Battat™


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