Finished Defenders. Every time someone punched Madame Gao I thought, "You leave that nice old lady alone!"

Finished Defenders. Every time someone punched Madame Gao I thought, "You leave that nice old lady alone!"


  1. What were your opinions of the characters' interactions with each other and of the writing?

    Asking because I thought it was a bit lacklustre (not bad per se) and was wondering what others thought.

    Although Madame Gao was a really good villain in my opinion.

  2. Some good and some bad, Chance. One on one, good. All four together, not that great.

  3. i've only made it up to daredevil season 2. yeah, i'm way behind. but so far i was under the impression that she was a skrull or something.

  4. I ended up giving Defenders a miss 'cause of Danny Rand being insufferable.

  5. Understandable. I skipped Iron Fist and went straight to this.

  6. First episode of The Punisher was better than this whole series.

  7. Also skipped Iron Fist, or half of it anyway after I got fed up with it. Weirdly I didn't hate Danny Rand in Luke Cage s2, but was still annoyed by him.

  8. Daniel Lofton I'm pretty excited for Iron Fist S2 after his appearance in Luke Cage, or at least not dreading it. It seems like with the showrunner change, they might be able to make Rand likeable and fix the pacing problems.

  9. I liked Defenders less than I expected and Punisher more than I expected. Just started Luke Cage season 2, and I’m happy to see Misty bringing in Colleen Wing right away.


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