I made a 5e Death & Dismemberment table for my new Dark Ages campaign. Roll at zero HP.

I made a 5e Death & Dismemberment table for my new Dark Ages campaign. Roll at zero HP.

Roll 2d6
2              Instantly, gruesomely, killed. Allies in line of sight must make a DC 15 Wis or Cha save or spend a round yelling their dead ally’s name in slow motion.

3              Limb severed, unconscious and dying. DC 15 Death Saves. Cannot be stabilized except by DC 15 Medicine check. Roll 1d6: 1 sword hand, 2 off-hand, 3 sword arm, 4 shield arm, 5 random leg above the knee, 6 random leg below the knee.

4              Severely injured, unconscious and dying. DC 15 Death Saves. Cannot be stabilized except by DC 15 Medicine check. Lower random ability score (1d6 down the line) by 2d4.

5              Injured, unconscious and dying. DC 15 Death Saves. Lower random ability score (1d6 down the line) by 1d4.

6              Unconscious and dying. DC 15 Death Saves. Random injured limb. Roll 1d4: 1 head, 2 sword arm, 3 shield arm, 4 random leg.

7              Unconscious and dying. DC 15 Death Saves.

8              Unconscious and dying. DC 10 Death Saves.

9              Unconscious and stable.

10           Unconscious. Make a DC 15 Con save every round to wake up with 1 hit point.

11           Stunned. Make a DC 15 Con save every round until recovered.

12           Flesh wound. No extra damage.

Injured ability scores:
Make DC 15 Con save once per week for a number of weeks equal to damage taken. A successful save means the ability score increases by 1. A DC 12 Medicine skill check grants advantage.


  1. Rather than "means the ability score increases by 1", I'd say "restores 1 lost point to the ability" or similar.

  2. Shane Ivey Might be sort of relevant to your recent HP questions.

  3. Looks good, bonus points for dramatic name shouting.

  4. Huh, I hadn't seen a Death & Dismemberment table with a normal distribution before, which is a bit odd, now that I think about it, since it makes a lot of sense. Good stuff!

  5. I converted this to a Chartopia chart. It handles the subtable rolling as well. Do yourself a favor and dump it in a folder of your other 5e tables, and you'll have a palette of useful tables ready to go: https://chartopia.d12dev.com/en/chart/2530/

    btw Casey G. if you want me to take this down for some reason, just pm me


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