My preferred version of the Titans.

My preferred version of the Titans.


  1. I like the angsty 80s versions with the loud costumes and the creepy sexual subplots. I'm sorry.

  2. Not enough boots on faces and crunching bones.

  3. Though the grimdark titans thing might be fun.

  4. all franchise need a light hearted baby version
    baby punisher would be tops

  5. Paul Vermeren Same. I have a bunch of those goofy old comics from 1980-1985, partic. "Terror of Trigon" and "The Judas Contract." For their time, they are very 'grimdark' and trying very hard not to be Your Dad's Comics, and that's a huge part of their charm.

  6. Stitch Seam That said, I love TTG (and the 2003-06 series for that matter). There's plenty of room for any kind of Titans.


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