That was the biggest caterpillar I've ever seen.

That was the biggest caterpillar I've ever seen.


  1. Personally, i find the idea of a bug that thinks, offensive!

  2. This needs something for scale so we can be properly impressed

  3. i have a couple of really blurry, grainy photos i took as a child of one that looked a lot like that. for years i assumed it was a luna moth 'cos that was the only thing i could think of remotely that big in its winged form. but apparently there doesn't have to be much relationship between caterpillar size and butterfly / moth size.

    you might be able to figure out what sorta dude this guy is using - Caterpillars -- identification guide -- Discover Life

  4. Pretty sure it's a polyphemus moth, like Shar Banning posted, it was over three inches long.


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