Started Death Test in Tabletop Simulator. It's hard!

Started Death Test in Tabletop Simulator. It's hard!
Second room a bear killed my party's wolf pet and severely wounded Nigel.
Nigel hasn't managed to hit anything yet. Nisha the elf has done almost all the damage, with Mortigue blowing up some spiders in the first room and killing a bear with a lucky shot from his staff.


  1. we need to meet up and throw down. :)

  2. It's a solo dungeon crawl for The Fantasy Trip. I did the kickstarter and wanted to give it a shot.

  3. Dyson Logos I ripped the map out of the low res PDF. See if you can get a nice separate image file included in the digital rewards. 😁

  4. Matt Towle for sure once I get my hands on this boxed set.

  5. Casey G. I backed it too, though I couldn't afford legendary. I really like the clean rules and built in balance. Hard to believe this was 1980


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