Found an interesting bigfoot podcast.

Found an interesting bigfoot podcast. The woman who hosts it turns out to be related to Grover Krantz, who, if you're like me, you'll immediately recognize from In Search Of and other 70's-80's TV documentaries. I didn't remember the name, but once I heard the voice I knew where I'd heard it before.

He was this reporter's grandfather's cousin and apparently walked around family gatherings with a calipers, measuring people's cranial capacity.


  1. Yeah, so what if we actually discovered a live specimen and shot it, thereby causing it's extinction?.~ Cryptozoologists are something else!

  2. Krantz was the only "legit" scientist studying Bigfoot, and was the guy who suggested it might be related to Gigantopithecus.

  3. This podcast starts out strong as the host is shown a supposed Bigfoot nesting site that almost no one has access to.


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