Me: "You guys are pretty lucky you weren't born into a family where you have to get up early on a Sunday to go to...

Me: "You guys are pretty lucky you weren't born into a family where you have to get up early on a Sunday to go to church."
Coop: "Yeah, I don't like having to sit there and listen and not have anything to do."
Abby: "Preach, Coop."
Coop: "What does that mean?"
Me and Abby: "Bwahahaha!"


  1. Well, my kids aren't that lucky. However, they usually don't listen, and they either color or read comic books.

  2. I had to go three times a week. Sunday morning, sunday evening, and Wednesday night prayer meeting. I joined wrestling just to get out of Wednesday night (conflicted with practices).

  3. I played a lot of hang man, Erik MORNES .


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