So it's exactly as it seemed.

So it's exactly as it seemed.


  1. The false flag operation gets even more elaborate!

  2. Paul Beakley I thought just getting a reality tv wrestler into the White House was going to be the extent of it, but it keeps running and running. At some point it goes even beyond art.

  3. I can't figure out when or how the lunatic fringe media fed directly into mainstream media so easily and quickly. I mean obviously it runs in close parallel to the Trump presidency but now they're...basically the same thing.

    I know people who will immediately assume this is a huge hoax, despite the fact that Trump's own guy is running the investigation.

  4. Paul Beakley it was either with the founding of CNN or during the Lewinsky business, which coincided with the launch of Fox News. Things continued to look semi-normal for a few years after that, but really the foundations were being eroded away, it just hadn't shown up on the plasterwork yet.

  5. I mean Rush has been around since the 80s but I'd hesitate to call him fringe. More angry movement conservative.

    Infowars, obviously, is big now and has been around a good long while. I have to think they really got mainstream because Great Leader called them out by name.

    I don't remember Art Bell going political but I suspect the Venn diagram of Bell and Jones listeners has a big overlap.

    Pre-Bell you've got the Bircher folks and other ur-conspiracy nuts. But like, you had to sign up for newsletters and shit. Scuttling around in the shadows with their unmarked envelopes, like buying porn at a gas station.

  6. Oh twist, dude is Native American. How will the spin go now?!

  7. Florida Man knows no ethnic boundaries.

  8. Or possibly Filipino.

    What a surprise, there are conflicting reports.

  9. On CNN as the herald, my thesis is that it proved a market for 24 hour non-stop breaking news. The obvious emergent value was that speed of reporting sensational moments became more important than investigation and fact-checking. The less obvious one was that hysterical repetition has a quality of its own - if you can just keep shouting the same mantra, some group of people will pick it up. If you keep on an a story for long enough, like a comedian pausing for the second laugh, people get over their "why are they still doing this?" irritation and start to go with you again, thinking "maybe this is more important than I thought?"

    After that it's all Gresham's Law. Whatever fills up the time is news because it's on the news. Cheaper is better.

  10. Richard G it's a good thesis.

    I wonder how news at the speed of tweet will shake out?

  11. Im kind of envisioning a kind of poor folks food analogy with the news. It must be news because it’s what’s left over after the upper crust has come and taken all the other things away.

  12. Anyway judging by that picture of him he should be pardoned.

  13. Note: he apparently also has a history of intimate partner violence. Seems pretty common for would be terrorists.

  14. He also apparently had explosive device charges before.


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