These were the biggest pumpkins we've ever had.

These were the biggest pumpkins we've ever had.

A general Halloween comment. I love Halloween, but Halloween in the middle of the week is a giant pain in the ass.


  1. We did ours last night. I can't even imagine how many seeds are in that one that Coop is carving!

  2. The worst. Strung out Thursday, sugar rage all weekend.

  3. P.S. If you roast the seeds just a little too long, they are totally ruined and taste like charcoal. :-(

  4. (Last year I read the secret to seeds is boiling them 10-20 mins before roasting.)

  5. The localities here switched it to last night as well due to impending hurricane weather making it to KY...
    Def a pain on a Tuesday...

  6. I meant to watch that all week, Derek Pennycuff .

  7. Middle of the week and the day before we leave town for a week is even more fun.


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