I can almost hear them now, chortling away mirthlessly in their La-Z-Boy recliners in their respective dens, or...

I can almost hear them now, chortling away mirthlessly in their La-Z-Boy recliners in their respective dens, or wherever the fuck it is that North Americans go to chortle. But they won’t break me; I’m made of sterner stuff.


  1. I read this yesterday and was flooded with memories. The only kid I knew with the aircraft carrier was a spoiled asshole.
    wearethemutants.com - Platform of Dreams: A Lonely Kid Covets G.I. Joe’s U.S.S. ‘Flagg’

  2. I spent hours looking at the Star Rider in the Christmas catalog, imagining what kind of adventures could happen. Probably just as good as owning the thing.

  3. Srsly!! I totally had Bigtrak and ROM, tho. I vaguely remember Star Rider...I think my friend who sometime later had a Vectrex had one of those. (or...what was the the red-line vector based console? Anyway, that's what he had)

  4. I had to pretend the Star Rider didn't exist so I wouldn't lose my fucking mind over it throughout childhood.

  5. I was apparently the only kid who thought it was badass when Optimus Prime died and called bullshit when they brought him back. I see tons of people online who are still complaining that they killed Optimus in the movie.

  6. Paul Vermeren entitled nerd rage is very O.G.

  7. I totally had a second-hand Big Trak and ROM.

  8. Guaranteed I had Megatron circled in the Sears Wishbook.
    I believe this was the happiest I've ever been in my life.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QIeAaxQd1dweV2oamo2eVUSe18Q46PJDkg6WtfjFxylpAAKoxyJ9PVsdse6TvrA2zmRbr0reCuk

  9. ROM Spaceknight was the best toy of my life. And I had the Star Wars Death Star.

  10. Casey G. srsly that is the look of one happy kid right there, man. :D

  11. I had a Big Trak as well! First programmable toy I ever owned. :-D


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