More pre-rolling encounters and interpretation

More pre-rolling encounters and interpretation

I’m rolling for encounters ahead of time again, and noticing that it allows you to tie things together if you wish to add a bit of verisimilitude. Just a little thing, but I rolled an encounter, then rolled for type and got humans, then on my sub-table and got a Noble. Why is this noble out roaming around in the middle of winter? I don’t know yet. Keep rolling and later get another encounter, type: animal. I look at my scanty list of British animals and instead of rolling just decide it’s a giant boar and that the previous encounter was the noble out hunting it with her entourage.

The third encounter I rolled was a UFO (because how could I have an encounter table without a UFO?). But far enough away that the PC’s can investigate or not, whatever they wish. In the condition they are, I’m guessing they will not.


  1. I really like using tables for prep for this reason - Yoon Suin has been my go-to for a while now

  2. I used to do this more often. Just for fun, and to start generating situations, NPCs - sometimes plots. I should get back to it. Especially given some of the excellent generators people have posted on G+.


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