Used the 5e chase rules for the first time ever, DM or player.

Used the 5e chase rules for the first time ever, DM or player. The wizard with one hit point ran through a herd of deer and had to make a save or be impaled, and he did it. Then he fell off a cliff 1d4x5 ft in height, so any roll but a 1 would have caused him to roll on my death & dismemberment chart, but he rolled a 1 and so he lived.

If you roll a bunch of times you end up with a lot of repeats. Calls for a larger custom table, but pretty good mini system.


  1. Yeah I've used it a bunch and it works pretty good. A larger table would be great but I usually just liberally interpret the results and hope it doesn't result in a pack of dwarfs bing bonging down a river in barrels.


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