
Showing posts from August, 2012

This is the tale of Squeezer the goblin henchman.

This is the tale of Squeezer the goblin henchman. Squeezer was born to a tribe of goblins living in the giant and humanoid occupied land of Sterich. Being a gentle sort of goblin, the kind of goblin who would squeeze a rat, but not choke it to death, Squeezer was banished from his tribe to wander alone. In time, the humans of Sterich retook their land from the giants. Squeezer was captured by group of evil humans who locked him in a dank dungeon to later be sacrificed to their god, the Elder Elemental Eye. Luckily for Squeezer, a group of adventurers happened upon his cell, and one of the party, and explorer named Mozgov, took pity on him and freed him. Squeezer was very happy. He decided he would serve Mozgov however he could. So he led the adventurers to the lair of the evil cultists of the Elder Elemental Eye. But lo! The wizard cultist raised a magic ring and told them all to drop their weapons! All the good adventurers, including Mozgov, did just that. Squeezer shook off the magic...
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Jon Lovseth, and Stephen Moeller
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Jon Lovseth, and Stephen Moeller
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Jon Lovseth, and Stephen Moeller

Manta retriever.

Manta retriever. #wardogsofatlantis

Sperman Shepard.

Sperman Shepard. #wardogsofatlantis

How the hell did I not know about this site?

How the hell did I not know about this site?
Added photos to ACKS! Nerdery: Ape Rage!.

Open at 8:00, start 8:30

Open at 8:00, start 8:30 events/c7j8c94h0v83uctke74k58d776c

Reaper's Kickstarter made Wired.

Reaper's Kickstarter made Wired.

Now I get it, and it's even better.

Now I get it, and it's even better. Originally shared by Jeffrey J Davis Invasion of the K Pop

I actually love hoaxes and have always wanted to do a UFO hoax, but running out into traffic in a ghilli suit is...

I actually love hoaxes and have always wanted to do a UFO hoax, but running out into traffic in a ghilli suit is Darwin Award worthy. Didn't he remember Harry and the Hendersons?

Greg Christopher If you're writing a western RPG, you should have a copy of this.

Greg Christopher If you're writing a western RPG, you should have a copy of this. It's a great reference for RPGs or writers.

I just came upon this horrific scene on the way home.

I just came upon this horrific scene on the way home.


Pugopus. #wardogsofatlantis

The trusty flound-hound tracks the enemies of Atlantis across the ocean floor.

The trusty flound-hound tracks the enemies of Atlantis across the ocean floor. Drawn with my finger in Sketchbook Mobile. #wardogsofatlantis

This made me laugh!

Originally shared by Mark Cunningham (thedeadone) This made me laugh! Batman interrupts a car review video. "It sucks!". I can't stop laughing... "My parents are dead."
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Jennifer Garske

So, $30 for beta rules.

So, $30 for beta rules. Even if they give you a deal on the actual release, that's crazy. And this only covers smugglers and bounty hunters and such. Rebel soldiers get their own game, and Jedi get their own game. So if you want to cover all possible rebellion era characters, buy three games. Buy three copies of the same rules with different character classes. This is worse than D&D. Nerds, don't put up with this shit.

Carrying on from this post:

Carrying on from this post: My Texico MERCS are based and ready for priming.

I haven't listened to Busta Rhymes since.

I haven't listened to Busta Rhymes since...forever...but there's a freakin' awesome dragon on the cover, so, downloaded! Originally shared by Keyan Mobli In case you didn't know, the Busta Rhymes album is free on the play store. Buy it right now for $0.00

Full Curiosity Descent in Enhanced 1080p

Originally shared by Fraser Cain Full Curiosity Descent in Enhanced 1080p This is it. All the descent images have been downloaded from Curiosity and stitched together into this mind-bending HD video of the full descent. I could watch this all day. Hat tip to Alexis Ohanian for finding it first.

New phone home screen.

New phone home screen. SCIENCE!

Here's my major spur-of-the-moment-fuck-Privateer-for-not-having-enough IK RPG-books GenCon purchase.

Here's my major spur-of-the-moment-fuck-Privateer-for-not-having-enough IK RPG-books GenCon purchase. Apparently this game only wants you to have five minis on the table, and none of them can be the same. This seems like a plan for financial disaster for them, but I appreciate it. I bought the book, a Texico starter box, the template, and tokens. Came to $100 even. I was waffling until I saw the dude with the duster and cowboy hat. Then I noticed it came with a sci-fi war-dog. When I opened it I saw that another comes with a Macuahuitl. And another is reloading his double-barrel shotgun. This is the faction for me. Going to prime them now. The goal is to have them painted by the weekend.

#igotit #maybenot

Originally shared by Casey Weaver #igotit   #maybenot

GenCon picture round-up.

GenCon picture round-up.

GenCon was great as usual.

GenCon was great as usual. One of my highlights was playing 13th Age with Rob Heinsoo GMing. Jonathan Tweet stopped by the game to visit. You are allowed to be jealous of my sweet new Escalation Die. #geeknamedropping

Nerds in nerd shirts

Nerds in nerd shirts

Sith Leia is the best Leia.

Sith Leia is the best Leia.
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Jennifer Garske

My buddy Matt's X-Men D&D event.

My buddy Matt's X-Men D&D event. #gencon

Super Dungeon Explore.

Super Dungeon Explore. #gencon




Uh-oh... #gencon #battlestargalactica
This plane is fucking full of nerds.

RIP Harry Harrison, one of the best sci-fi authors on the planet Dirt.

RIP Harry Harrison, one of the best sci-fi authors on the planet Dirt. Originally shared by Alex “Dungeon Daddy” Mayo Packed and ready for Gen Con - and I just found out sci-fi author Harry Harrison passed away last evening. RIP. This is really dorky, but I used to publish a punk 'zine back in high school - the nom de plume I used was The Stainless Steel Rat. sniff

Why have I not been reading this? Vol. 1, issues 1-5 on Comixology for $8.99.

Why have I not been reading this? Vol. 1, issues 1-5 on Comixology for $8.99.
Casey Garske hung out with 5 people.Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Jon Lovseth, Barry Lovseth, and Mike Meho
Casey Garske hung out with 5 people.Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Jon Lovseth, Barry Lovseth, and Mike Meho

New Nexus 7 home screen.

New Nexus 7 home screen.

This is the ultra-simple RPG I'm running at Gen Con for kids 5-9.

This is the ultra-simple RPG I'm running at Gen Con for kids 5-9. The two sessions are sold out, but here are the rules. I've posted these before, but they've been updated and are now illustrated by my daughter.

Hangout open at 8:00. Start 8:30.

Hangout open at 8:00. Start 8:30. events/cqm8d2eipphnaq8ehi1ta3ghl2s
Added photos to ACKS Nerdery.

Circle Organization Time

Circle Organization Time I've been in a couple of shared circles lately, and I have not been able to keep up with all the people who have circled me. So, here's what I normally post about and/or am building larger circles for: Gaming/Nerdery: RPGs, miniatures games, video games, boardgames, sci-fi, movies, TV, books, comics, etc. Android: like the phones, not Data from Star Trek. I just installed Ubuntu and this might turn into a Android/Linux circle. Science/Skepticism/Atheism: I don't think I've made any posts just to this circle, but if it gets big enough I might. My internet arguing days are done for the most part, so this would mostly be for talking about interesting stories in the news having to do with these things. So define yourselves and I will sort you thusly.

Heroica before bed last night.

Heroica before bed last night. Abby was brutal using the magic gates to block me, but I managed to overcome and my knight was the one who vanquished the goblin king.

Thanks to Chris Adams.

Originally shared by Andrew “Incomitatum” Chason Thanks to Chris Adams. This is delightfully messed up. Someday maybe we will have bio computers.

This story says nothing, and quotes commentors on the CNN website.

This story says nothing, and quotes commentors on the CNN website. Great reporting here. But they tricked me into indignantly clicking on the link, so, well done, CNN.

Oh, dear...playing with fire while under the influence of stupid.

Originally shared by Mary Mangan Oh, dear...playing with fire while under the influence of stupid. RT @DJShay12: RT @jmcaninch68: LOL!! Man Protesting General Mills' 'Pro-Gay Agenda' Accidentally Sets Lawn Aflame W/Cheerios /LOLOL! Hat tip Vent Casey III on twitter. Roaring laughing here.

We have so many spacecraft on Mars, one can take a picture of another as it lands.

We have so many spacecraft on Mars, one can take a picture of another as it lands. Originally shared by Philip Plait (The Bad Astronomer) Curiosity picture taken as it descended to Mars! Check. This. OUT. The MRO probe caught Curiosity suspended under its parachute as it slowly descended to the surface of another world!  Amazing.

For all your friends who say crap like "We need to take care of the Earth before we can worry about space.

For all your friends who say crap like "We need to take care of the Earth before we can worry about space." Curiosity cost $2.5 billion. $7.00 per American. In the works for 14 years. Cost per year per American: $0.50. Your argument that this somehow takes away from studying the earth is invalid. We are capable of doing more than one thing at a time.

First pictures from Curiosity!

Originally shared by Charlie Hoover First pictures from Curiosity! #nasa #curiosity #science #mars #lander

Watching actual rocket scientists and astronomers on this live Google Hangout.

Watching actual rocket scientists and astronomers on this live Google Hangout. Following just about every NASA Twitter feed. NASA TV in another tab. SCIENCE, BITCHES!

Swallowed by a time portal.

Swallowed by a time portal.