Happy Darwin Day.

Happy Darwin Day.


  1. Not only is this bad science, it is bad biblical exegesis too.

    Early Hebrew writings use numerical poetics - 40 this, 7 that, 12 of this thing, 10,000 of this other thing, 600 or 800 of that thing. The numbers represent non-literal periods of time or non-literal amounts. For example a period of 40 days or 40 years is a time of testing - it means "a long time that really sucked". 7 of any period of time means "enough time to do it perfectly" but 6 days or 6 years indicates a rushed job and 6 of anything indicates imperfection or evil. Any double or tripled number is just emphasis (70 x 7, 666 etc) of the underlying poetic idea.

    An analogy would be the modern phrase "a ton of work to do", where the work may not actually weigh a literal ton - or "a peck of trouble" where we are not actually talking about an amount of trouble of that fills 537.6 cubic inches.

    Creationists - bad at science, bad at religion.

  2. Thanks, ASH LAW. I don't have patience enough anymore to actually type that kind of stuff out.


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