I think I'm ready to watch Prometheus again.

I think I'm ready to watch Prometheus again.


  1. Story-wise, I think the only thing about that movie that I actally liked was that whole stage-by-stage alien progression, especially since you can tell the end stage in the movie isn't anywhere near complete, and only has further to go. I really thought they did a good job with that. And the music. And... eh... Michael Fassbender?

  2. I've been looking at a lot of spaceship pics for a possible Stars Without Number game and keep coming back to the Prometheus and stills from the movie. It's beautiful. The story is okay, the characters, really stupid people who've never seen a horror movie. But the effects and the art design...

  3. The worst thing is that if it wasn't Ridley Scott, I would have found it to be a perfectly serviceable sci-fi horror film. As it is, I kind of hate it.

  4. I love way too many terrible horror films for me to consider my dislike of this film fair at all.

  5. If I gave an artsy, pretentious name to this still, it would be Hubris.

  6. If I had to give a name to this still, it would be "touch of alien creature gives moron scientist ability to survive indefinitely without air."

    Because her spacesuit ran out of air immediately before this scene, and she ran back outside immediately after.

  7. Hypersleep gives humans brain damage. It obviously wasn't perfected yet. It is the only logical explanation.


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