Okay, Hotline Miami, killing a dude by dumping a pot full of boiling water on his face?

Okay, Hotline Miami, killing a dude by dumping a pot full of boiling water on his face? 


I still suck at this game though. I'm not twitchy enough.


  1. A phenomenal game. I envy you playing it for the first time.

  2. Yeah, I beat the whole game in one unintentional sleep-deprived hazy trippy sitting about six months ago. Most levels can be boiled down to a set of steps that, if executed properly, work most of the time. It's lightly randomized, so sometimes you won't get the item you need or an enemy will populate in an inconvenient spot for you, but each level has a basic pattern.

  3. Yeah, the dudes in the south room won't stay put and keep interrupting me.

  4. One of the best things I think about this game is that it sometimes just works best when you stop trying to figure it out, and just make a mad dash through, attacking everything you see.

  5. Ah yeah, that got me out of a couple of jams.

  6. It's kind of fun to throw a bunch of guns in a room and then shoot someone and run back in your bolt hole, shooting everyone that comes through the door.


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