PC races for a campaign based only on Monster Manual II.

PC races for a campaign based only on Monster Manual II.


  1. Seriously, Swensen, vegepygmies are monsters.

  2. I do not allow Swanmay or Thrikreen as PCs yet, but they have been significant NPCs they have worked with.

  3. What's implied here are that Swanmays are the only even remotely human creatures around. Except for the xenophobic slyvan and valley elves (also monsters). All other humans have turned into shades.

  4. That's great and all, but I'd really rather play the campaign based only on Fiend Folio.

  5. I always loved the mongrelmen. I don't know if it was the art but they seemed really intriguing to me.

  6. Dwellers of the Forbidden City used mongrelmen to great effect


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