They look pretty good. Wavy cut because I can't actually cut a piece of paper in half in a straight line.

They look pretty good. Wavy cut because I can't actually cut a piece of paper in half in a straight line.


  1. You're using scrapbooking shears, that's why!

    Naw, they look great.

  2. Why didn't I think of scrapbooking shears? I think we might even have some.

  3. Dude don't underestimate the scrap booking thing at all. It's like a whole 'nother level of sweet Art supplies. They have these badass paper clips with like gears on them and whatnot.

  4. Michaels and I are well acquainted.

  5. Me too. Sculpey, sculpting tools, and those cheap animal miniatures that I cut up to turn into hybrid monsters.

  6. kreg Mosier Scrapbooking upped my mask making and cosplay game considerably.

  7. James Olchak  YES!  I'm not the only one then. :D  Those tubes of genre-based sets are cool.

  8. Island Vixen  two things I love: Art supply & Office Supply. :)  I can def. see Hobby Lobby/Michaels being invaluable for cosplay, and yeah all the neat papercraft stuff for accessories, especially.


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