Patrick nails it.

Patrick nails it.


  1. I disagree, but since disagreeing with Patrick or his ilk makes me a troll, I'll just sit on my hands.

  2. James Olchak
    Clearly that's not true. You would have needed your hands to write that baiting comment.

    And it's not your disagreement that makes you a troll. It's that you feel the need to publicly declare both your disagreement, and your unwillingness to express disagreement for fear of internet name calling. Trolls actively seek conflict, and that's exactly what you're doing.

    And I've had a shitty morning, so I'm rising to your bait.

    EDIT: lol blocked. Cool beans.

  3. Indeed. Hopefully they'll learn from this (both in this world and the movie's world).

  4. Thanks Beloch, I knew there were some of you out there unblocked.

  5. Daniel Swensen​ it was too cynical even for me. ”Lol, focus grouping is BS but we did it anyway so enjoy your super dinosaur, plebes.” But the old T Rex wins, so what does that mean? Nothing, probably, because the satire doesn't go very deep.

    Yogurt said it best when he said, ”Merchandising, Merchandising, Merchandising!”

    But I enjoyed all the scenes of mayhem, and was fairly entertained for my $7.50.

  6. Beloch Shrike Blocked that dude a while back. Same sort of reasons.

  7. Michael R
     I don't block anybody, he blocked me. Which, I suppose, has become something of an OSR right of passage.

    "Do you ignore flame bait, or has James Olchak blocked you?"


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