General Patton, who was actually a mind flayer, just blew up my necromancer with the Eye of Vecna.

General Patton, who was actually a mind flayer, just blew up my necromancer with the Eye of Vecna.


  1. Oh, and now the rest of the party found a deck of many things.

  2. "It's all fun and games until somebody gets an eye poked out"

  3. Drawing from the deck of many things made me feel like a teenager again.

  4. I want THIS kind of ridiculousness in my games.  I usually end up with the other kind of ridiculousness (someone insisting on starting a brewing business and mastering the kazoo).

  5. Or roleplaying out shopping in town?

  6. I really kept thinking... "Ok, this shopping conversation is going to be a lead to something as part of the story.  I sure hope a fight breaks out soon..." then nothing.

  7. Barry you would love our UBER d20 games. Basically I take an old d&d module like White Plume Mountain, populate it with monsters from every open game d20 rules system around, and in the end you have Nazi Jawa's with Flamethrowers fighting Barbarian/Jedi/Half Orc/monks.

    Weird Wars Ravenloft is just a Weird Wars/D&D mashup.....still fun though.


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