I blame James LaManna​ and evandro novel​ for making me start painting again... And 15mm sci-fi even.

I blame James LaManna​ and evandro novel​ for making me start painting again... And 15mm sci-fi even.


  1. You know, when my paining skills start slipping, I just paint up a bunch of those 15mm Traveller figs I have around...
    Then when I go back to the 25/28 mm figs, It's like having a huge canvas to express myself.  "I think I'll paint stars all over this wizard's cloak." or "Perhaps this mini needs a plaid kilt"

  2. What game are you using them for??

  3. Probably FUBAR. Easy solo play.

  4. Pictures or it didn't happen!
    (trolling Casey G. into documenting all his solo plays on Google+)

  5. I play games so I can post photos on G+.


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