Something seems to be missing between the words "lightsaber" and "sends."

Something seems to be missing between the words "lightsaber" and "sends."


  1. Nah, clearly just showing Han the lightsaber was enough.

  2. Han stumbled backwards to avoid the blade. It was a tragic accident.
    But that's how Disney Deaths work, and Star-Wars is now Disney, right?

    See also: Every Disney cartoon ever, where the bad guy needs to die while leaving the protagonist free from blame.

  3. "stabs his father, Han's hand gently touching Ben's face as his life slips away"

  4. "...,stabs the audience through the heart, and..."

  5. "...suddenly a carrier pigeon dive-bombs the Solos! Kylo tries to help Han by furiously batting at it with his saber, but all it does is agitate the bird even further. It snatches a french fry from the elder Solo -- a real tragedy since it was his last one which..."

  6. Is this Canon? So they're saying there's a chance...


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