First broken bone!

First broken bone! Still managed two personal best times at her swim meet this weekend before we even figured out her finger was broken.


  1. Oh nooo, hope it heals quickly!

  2. It's pretty minor, so two weeks in the splint during the day. Tape for swimming.

  3. Welcome to the club Abbs. Hope she broke hers in a cooler way than I did.

  4. Yowch! Was it hitting the touchpad for the finish? I saw a lot of finger jams and sprains that way but never a break!

  5. Bret Gillan​ she fell on it last week and it wasn't feeling better, so finally went to the doctor today.

  6. Casey G. Ahh, I am in the broke-a-finger-by-falling on it club too. Hope it heals up fast!


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