It's one of those weeks where the kids can't seem to stop injuring themselves.

It's one of those weeks where the kids can't seem to stop injuring themselves. Just waiting for the CPS visit. I hope their foster family doesn't try to baptize them.


  1. ... I know that feeling... Both our kids had playground accidents at school that left big bruising on their upper arm and forearm ... Looked suspicious af even though I knew what the cause was lol.. I was just waiting for the parent police to show up and cart me off to Guantanamo that week

  2. One was sick earlier this week and then fainted in class because she didn't eat lunch. The other just falls all the time. Covered in bruises up and down his legs. Oh, and a goose egg on the back of his head...

  3. I recall one time my wife was getting paranoid about going to the hospital as our children had overlapping appointments to dress their wounds... It all turned out fine. But I'm sure we're on a list somewhere.

  4. My daughter fell out of bed and cut her eyebrow open when she was little. I distinctly remember the ER doctor subtly checking her arms and legs.


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