There's a 4chan thread where someone asks if anyone has a pirated copy of Stay Frosty.

There's a 4chan thread where someone asks if anyone has a pirated copy of Stay Frosty. Someone responds that they might actually buy it with money.


  1. What is the world coming to, when hard working pirates have to pay for content?

  2. Hey, I'm a poor furriner and I bought it!
    Also, what are you doing on 4chan?

  3. Mine would pop up there every now and then back in the day, so I just shrugged and gave it to them. Got some good actual game feedback from that, too.

  4. Showing up in pirate place is like showing up in the bargain bin in days of yore. That when you've made it.

  5. It costs about as much a pint. Why would someone not buy it if interested?? Quality looking game by the way, I'm due to run it end of the month.

  6. Juan Ochoa​ I was just googling it to see if any reviews or anything that I didn't know about were out there.

    Someone put Unholy Land on Scribd and that's pay what you want! Why bother!?

  7. Casey G. While you're checking the thread, what are your future plans for Stay Frosty? Gonna write any adventures or supplements or anything?

  8. That's the plan, but my writing time is severely limited by... Life I guess, so nobody hold their breath!

  9. Also, these Anons had good taste at least, looking for trey causey's Strange Stars and other good OSR stuff.


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