I found a paint scheme for my space Marines.

I found a paint scheme for my space Marines.


  1. I often like those really simple and straightforward schemes, but sometimes those are the hardest to paint well

  2. Badass. I love how it tones down some of the more goofy/plastic elements of Space Marines. These guys look "for real!"

  3. Reminds me of Starship Troopers a bit, just waiting for the bugs to come surging out.

  4. Those are nice minis but I always think of space marines as weird monastic warrior priest/knights not wwii marine raiders. They need a bit of flash. Plus what's the good of matte green when the vegetation is fever blue, or the space hulk is made of chrome?

  5. I wonder where these minis are from. They really look cool, but also slight different than the ones GW makes.

  6. I can't tell if they're just heavily converted or not.

  7. <3 Wayyyy back when I bought the "starter box" they used to make, I painted all my Marines in OD Green with they yellow shield/black bar shoulder pads like 1st CAV. I was later told that "there's no way you can play these minis because they aren't an official color/chapter." /eyeroll

  8. yeah I was like "don't care cause they look badass." :D

  9. kreg Mosier fucking nerds and their sacred cows man. So dumb.

  10. gregory blair major agreeance, my friend.

  11. kreg Mosier that’s bullshit you can play them however you like. Just gotta say what you are running them as.

  12. This new keyword army building has me thinking about a combined Space Marine/Cadian army, all in olive and khaki.

  13. The WWII looking soldiers for 40k.


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