These things suck to put together.

These things suck to put together.


  1. Necrons are a little tricky to build, but they do have a good range of possible poses. I remember needing to hold them in place for a bit until the glue started to dry.

  2. And then you're glued to them and argh.

  3. You using plastic glue? I find it easier to work with.

  4. My favorite Loctite super glue. I might need to get plastic glue. 90% of my minis are metal and I never needed any.

  5. Ramanan S is right, try plastic glue for these or any other GW plastic minis.

  6. Yeah necrons are all about those angles. Hunched over gun up. Leaned back gun hanging.

  7. All the angles are accidental, like it's just what fit when the glue dried. I'm doing my Death Guard now and it's waaaay easier going.

  8. The new models are so well made and so nice to put together.


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