Hmmm, for a recent generator I actually created a range with the proper expected values (one 3, three 4s, five 5s, etc) and then did an INDEX((3D6_Roll, randbetween(1,ROWS(3d6_Roll)),1)) - I haven't tested it for the curve it produces yet. I wonder if the results will be any different.
Where did it all go wrong, Casey? I can’t pinpoint it, but it was already too late when they remade 3:10 to Yuma and took a movie that was mostly two men talking about morality in a hotel room and put in a Gatling gun.
This is my gaming circle minus my ACKS players. I am such an asshole. Since they're in the big city now, the players really wanted to know if there were any magic weapons for sale. ACKS ain't 3e or 4e though. There is exactly one magic weapon for sale. I rolled randomly to see what it was and...'s a cursed -2 sword. So I told the players there's a weapons dealer/fence who's looking to get rid of a magic sword he's gotten ahold Only 6,000gp when usually a +1 item would be 10,000gp. So far they are not suspicious. They're going to be so pissed at me. I can barely contain my excitement.
looks like a middle finger
ReplyDeleteFuck you, you don't get any 16s, 17s, or 18s.
ReplyDeleteThe dice said, "Suck on my big 10." Lol
ReplyDeleteNow roll them 36 more times and compare the charts.
ReplyDeleteHere's 72 rolls.
ReplyDeleteNot a single 17 or 18? You gots the bad luck, mang!
ReplyDeleteYou should have done these in red ink. Now it'd look like it's bleeding down the page.
ReplyDelete(What is wrong with me?)
I know it's not a big sample number, but that's a pretty uneven curve. - AnyDice
ReplyDeleteJoseph Teller but Anydice will show the expected curve, but a ‘runtime’ curve.
ReplyDeleteA runtime curve is something like this... - QuantumRoll Status | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
Casey G. Please have excel run that shit another 900k please.
I'll get right on that.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, for a recent generator I actually created a range with the proper expected values (one 3, three 4s, five 5s, etc) and then did an INDEX((3D6_Roll, randbetween(1,ROWS(3d6_Roll)),1)) - I haven't tested it for the curve it produces yet. I wonder if the results will be any different.
ReplyDeleteYou had Excel roll the dice but you made the graph on paper?
ReplyDeleteIt kept recalculating when I typed another number, even in a different sheet! I'm not an Excel guru.
ReplyDeleteNat aS I had the exact same thought.
ReplyDeleteNew way to stay entertained at work. I hadn't used the randbetween function before. Thanks.
you rolled 2 18's for your new character huh? yup sure did.
ReplyDeleteMax Vanderheyden show off.
ReplyDeleteMax Venderheyden's Excel is better than Casey's.