I thought this only happened on TV.

I thought this only happened on TV.


  1. I actually agree. She gets up for school at 5:45 and does homework all evening.

  2. It's insane.

    We KNOW that we can't effectively learn for large blocks of time - smaller blocks of daily learning, are much more effective.

    We KNOW that sleep is a key part of retaining and integrating new skills and information. Throwing a lot of learning at someone during the day means they can't process it all during their sleep, so the sleep will maybe benefit one topic, but not all. And no way to chose the most important topic to process. Plus, when you're this tired, you're clearly not getting enough sleep, which means less learning processing.

    Where's the time to actually, y'know, live your life? Even if you memorize more facts, what other actually-necessary skills are you missing out on? Especially social skills?

    It worries me.


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