
Showing posts from June, 2012


THE GUN IS GOOD! Sorry, Curt Thompson

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Stephen Moeller, Jon Lovseth, and Barry Lovseth

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Stephen Moeller, Jon Lovseth, and Barry Lovseth

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Stephen Moeller, Jon Lovseth, and Barry Lovseth

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 6 people.Mike Meho, Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Stephen Moeller, Jon Lovseth, and Barry Lovseth


#showmeyourscreenshot Nerdier than yours.


Sweet! Got my 13th Age Escalation Edition download. This is the pdf you get with a pre-order of the book. Can't wait to dig in.
Added photos to ACKS Nerdery.

Hangout open at 8, start around 8:30.

Hangout open at 8, start around 8:30. events/cbis3br65lsrjrb4r8cnbrnnst4

Soon you will be able to use Tabletop Forge while parachuting from a blimp wearing your Google Glasses.

Soon you will be able to use Tabletop Forge while parachuting from a blimp wearing your Google Glasses. Originally shared by Reto Meier Parachuting down to Moscone. From a blimp. Wearing Glass. In a hangout. Your argument is invalid.

Okay nerds, I declare steampunk to be over.

Okay nerds, I declare steampunk to be over. Stop it. Just stop it with your fucking clockwork goggles and top hats and gears that don't do shit.  And especially stop mixing steampunk with "raygun gothic." These things are different and not to be mixed. If you do, you are a bad person. The following games may continue to use steampunk elements: Deadlands Space 1889 That is all.

15mm represent!

15mm represent! GZG 15mm sci fi. NAC soldiers, and some grav drive APCs and tanks. All painted in Mars pattern camo. I had 15mm fever a couple years ago. I recovered, but I still have the minis.

Hey, if you still need beta testers for your app, I'm interested. I've got a Galaxy Nexus running CM9.

Hey, if you still need beta testers for your app, I'm interested. I've got a Galaxy Nexus running CM9.

Reaper Mousling minis I painted for my daughter to use with Song of Blades and Heroes.

Reaper Mousling minis I painted for my daughter to use with Song of Blades and Heroes. She came up with a complex family tree for them. Her favorite is the "Mouseketeer" so I naturally made her the most powerful of them all in game terms. Beware her pink hat and mighty rapier.

Because there aren't enough pictures of people's kids on G+.

Because there aren't enough pictures of people's kids on G+. And also because this is the full collection of Lego Heroica sets. Heroica is fun and simple and very easy to add rules to. Abby here likes to make up a new victory condition on the fly if I'm about to win. "You have to get the treasure back to the beginning and now we can fight each other." "Really?" "Yes, Papa." "Sigh."
Casey Garske hung out with 2 people.James LaManna and Tom Gintner

For the Android nerds out there, GTA III is $0.99 today.

For the Android nerds out there, GTA III is $0.99 today. Also, the classic PC game Another World seems to have been on Android for a while, but is on sale for $2.50. This game is one my favorites. It was superficially similar to the original Prince of Persia, but with an amazing, cinematic story.

Goddamn Bronies.

Goddamn Bronies. Question: How do you trick 30 something year old women who would never dream of playing D&D into playing a roleplaying game complete with PC's, NPC's, treasure hunting, combat, and magic items? Get them to play the Buffy boardgame. This game can turn a suburban mom into a killer DM in a hearbeat. It's like Hero Quest for soccer moms. It's long out of print and rare these days, hence the outrageous price on Amazon here. I wish I'd bought a copy for myself instead of giving it for a present back in the heyday of Buffy. We still get the old "Slayer's Circle" together for a few games of Buffy about once a year.

Fathers Day reading.

Fathers Day reading.

Most interesting Free RPG Day item on top.

Most interesting Free RPG Day item on top.

First session of Adventurer Conqueror King tonight.

First session of Adventurer Conqueror King tonight. First random encounter was with a warband of 15 hobgoblins. They passed the PC's camp in the night while they were stopped just a few miles from the Moathouse. So of course they ambush the hobgoblins instead of letting them pass. Result: 3 PC's rolling on the Mortal Wounds chart. The wizard lost a hand, the assassin has a limp, and the Nightblade got her face scarred. But with the gold they made, they went back to town, hired a healer, bought horses and are now pretty well equipped. Except that in fighting the fire beetles in the courtyard the assassin went down again. This time the Mortal Wounds result was 2 lost fingers. He of course dual wields...for now.

Casey Garske hung out with 7 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 7 people.Stephen Moeller, Matthew Nelson, Mike Meho, Jon Lovseth, Barry Lovseth, Andy Garske, and Casey Garske

Casey Garske hung out with 7 people.

Casey Garske hung out with 7 people.Stephen Moeller, Matthew Nelson, Mike Meho, Jon Lovseth, Barry Lovseth, Andy Garske, and Casey Garske

I'm in the intertubes all the time, so why did I just find out about this website a couple weeks ago?

I'm in the intertubes all the time, so why did I just find out about this website a couple weeks ago? I've been scouring the web for pre-made maps to use in Fantasy Grounds for over a year. This would have saved a lot of time. And it's perfect for Tabletop Forge of course.

Filling this classic location with monsters for our opening session of Adventurer Conqueror King tomorrow night.

Filling this classic location with monsters for our opening session of Adventurer Conqueror King tomorrow night.

Since you got a Skyrocket, I'll share this news from today from CyanogenMod.

Since you got a Skyrocket, I'll share this news from today from CyanogenMod. Originally shared by CyanogenMod If Hercules had a Skyrocket... ...the Twelve labors would've been a cinch.  Obviously, the code freeze for CM9 is a big deal, so that got quite a bit of fuss today.  In other news, the i727 (aka Celox/Skyrocket) and T989 (aka hercules) both began their nightly build life cycle today, thanks in large part to the hard working developers on the team and Samsung's code drop yesterday. h/t David Ferguson

Here we have the product of 8 years of careful indoctrination.

Here we have the product of 8 years of careful indoctrination. It's not easy to make girls like superheroes, but if you start them young, it can happen. Last night Abby out of the blue said, "Let's draw superheroes." Hard to turn that down. On the left is Lightning Lion, a housecat who turns into a flying lion that shoots lightning from his mane. On the right is Long Claws, a superpowered cat from a drawing session a few months ago. Long Claws has a Wolverine thing going. She thinks about dogs and goes into a berserker rage. In the middle is the supervillain I created last night, HippHugger. A hippo that hugs you really hard.

Here you go, nerds. #13thAge

Here you go, nerds. #13thAge   Originally shared by 13th Age Counting down to the pre-order...

Are you going to #GenCon ?

Are you going to #GenCon ? Are you bringing your kids? Worried you won't find anything appropriate for them to play? I'm here to help. I've got two sessions of my super easy kid's RPG, Wizard Thief Fighter ready to go. Why the heck am I volunteering to run a game for kids? I have no freakin' clue. Maybe because I'm a dad and I'm taking pity on people at the Con with kids? Maybe because I enjoy corrupting young minds? Probably the latter.'s+RPG&wed=true

So yesterday I left my #Nook on top of the car whilst putting the baby into his car seat.

So yesterday I left my #Nook on top of the car whilst putting the baby into his car seat. "Don't forget that, now," I thought to myself. Well, it fell off the roof on an exit to the highway. My wife and I heard it fall off and she saw it in the rearview mirror. Took forever to take the next exit, turn around, and go back for it. It was run over at least twice. You can see the tire mark on the case and there's also a faint one on the back of the Nook itself. I thought it was fucked. But IT TURNED ON. The screen has some dead pixels you can kind of see but the screen protector took all the damage and the glass is pristine. This is the Bruce Willis of tablets, glass in his feet but still killing terrorists. I'm still using this as an excuse to buy the Asus Google 7" tablet when it comes out in a few weeks (hopefully).

In fact, it's better just to avoid names from Greek Mythology at all.

In fact, it's better just to avoid names from Greek Mythology at all.

Tabletop Forge goes KickStarter

Originally shared by **** Tabletop Forge goes KickStarter Tabletop Forge is a free app that lets people play role playing games in Google+ Hangouts. You can play face to face, roll dice, load maps, draw on the screen, chat and much more. The Forge works well now, but it could be so much better. With the money we raise through KickStarter, we will license art, maps, tokens, adventures and campaigns from indie designers like Jonathan Roberts, Devin Night, Steve Russell and Tavis Allison to name just a few. We'll hire graphic designers to help with the interface, and we'll add all sorts of cool features like a Photoshop-style mapping tool to let you draw maps, add objects and hide unexplored regions. Most of the money we raise will go right back into the community to support game designers, writers and artists. All of it will go into building a tool to help everyone play online. So come join us. Toss in a few GP and help us forge something awesome.
CM9 is now on my Galaxy Nexus. Why did I wait so long?

In an effort to expand my G+ circles from just a few friends and a few dozen RPG nerds, I want to start a...

In an effort to expand my G+ circles from just a few friends and a few dozen RPG nerds, I want to start a Skeptic/Atheist circle. Any nerds out in my gaming circle who should be in it? Or anyone else in that area I should circle?
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Stephen Moeller
Casey Garske hung out with 2 people.James LaManna and Tom Gintner
Casey Garske hung out with 2 people.James LaManna and Tom Gintner
Casey Garske hung out with 3 people.Andy Garske, Keith Hoovestol, and Mike McCarthy
Casey Garske hung out with 5 people.Matthew Nelson, Andy Garske, Barry Lovseth, Jon Lovseth, and Mike Meho