
Showing posts from May, 2012

I bought Adventurer Conqueror King on a whim a few days ago.

I bought Adventurer Conqueror King on a whim a few days ago. No retro game has come close to tempting me previously. I just don't roll that way anymore. But #ACKS is seriously awesome. It's full of tasty old-school writing, but this line is the best I've read so far. "To kill adventurers with unexpected traps is a hollow pleasure for the Judge; to kill them with traps they decided to trigger, despite every warning of the lethal risks, is deeply satisfying."



So, are the combat rules in #DnDNext so vanilla that the first splatbook they can sell is "D&D Tactics" to get all...

So, are the combat rules in #DnDNext so vanilla that the first splatbook they can sell is "D&D Tactics" to get all the 4e players on board?

Hey, nerds.

Hey, nerds. If you're not paying attention to 13th Age, you should be. Originally shared by 13th Age A lot of people are wondering how #13thAge compares with #DnDNext . Here's a roundup of blogs, forums and podcasts that will provide some insight: 13th Age posts to the Pelgrane Press blog: EN World Q&A with Jonathan Tweet: ("We are not 5E. We’re a lot more like Arduin Grimoire.") Almost Pop Culture podcast, with Round One playtest discussion: Haste podcast with Jonathan Tweet: Going Last podcast with Jonathan Tweet: Something Awful 13th Age thread:

Not impressed by #DnDnext but still feel 4e seems overburdened by too many powers, too many cards, and really long...

Not impressed by #DnDnext but still feel 4e seems overburdened by too many powers, too many cards, and really long combat? Here's the advice I gave a friend who is running through 4e modules with one player playing 3 PCs and him as DM. One Paragraph 4e Fix: Give the characters a max of 2 encounter powers, 2 utility powers and 2 daily powers that they can have based on their level. Then you make the powers recharge during a fight like monster powers do. The lower level encounter powers recharge on a 4+. The highest level encounter power is still once per encounter. The lower level daily recharges on a 6 or maybe 5+ if it seems not that powerful and the higher level daily stays a daily. At 11th level make basic attacks do 2W damage. At 21st level make basic attacks do 3W damage. Monsters lose 1/3 of their hit points.Boom. Done. 4e is fixed.

Got the D&D Next download finally.

Got the D&D Next download finally. Just skimmed, but we're back to having to have the rulebook open constantly to look up spells instead of having what you need in front of you in a stat block. This is utter bullshit. So glad I'm in the 13th Age playtest.
I hate percentile dice. There, I said it. I'm not sorry.

Casey Garske is hanging out with 1 person right now!

Casey Garske is hanging out with 1 person right now! #hangoutpostAlison Ziesel
Casey Garske hung out with 3 people.Keith Hoovestol, Andy Garske, and Mike McCarthy
Casey Garske hung out with 3 people.Keith Hoovestol, Andy Garske, and Mike McCarthy

I liked my little one page RPG rules for kids and parents so much that I goofed with them today while I should have...

I liked my little one page RPG rules for kids and parents so much that I goofed with them today while I should have been working. And I also wrote a page of "Advanced" rules. Let the edition wars begin!

On a whim tonight I wrote a one-page set of Fantasy RPG rules suitable for kids and parents.

On a whim tonight I wrote a one-page set of Fantasy RPG rules suitable for kids and parents. It's called Wizard Thief Fighter. Try it out, see how it works.
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Jennifer Garske

It's D day.

It's D day.
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Jennifer Garske

Nerds, apply now.

Nerds, apply now. Originally shared by 13th Age 13th Age Playtest: Round Two Now Open Is all the forum buzz making you want to try #13thAge for yourself? Visit the link below and apply to become a second-round playtester! Those who signed up for the first round but did not submit feedback for any reason will not be eligible for Round Two. First-round playtesters who did supply a playtest report will get an email asking if they want to continue. And yes: Round Two playtesters will get an "I am enjoying this playtest" Internet badge.

Here's a bug report for you after playing last night.

Here's a bug report for you after playing last night. I'll give as much detail as I can, but I was GMing and most things worked for me. I use Win7 and Chrome Player 1 used Win7 and Chrome Player 2 used OS Lion and Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to see which would work best Bug 1: Player 2 didn't see anything in the app but a big black or white box where the map should be when using Firefox and Chrome. Is there maybe something weird about the Mac versions of those browsers that is screwy? I'm not a tech guy, so I don't know. In safari she could see the map and tokens, but not move tokens or interact with the map. No right clicking on tokens or the map either. Bug 2: /localload worked for me, I was the one doing it, but it did not push anything to anyone else's session. So neither could see the map or tokens after I used /localload. When I right clicked a token and copied it, they could see the copy. I also tested saving to the TTF server and then loading, but that o...
Casey Garske hung out with 2 people.Alison Ziesel and Jason Beighel

Here we go Jason Beighel. We're pretty much set now.

Here we go Jason Beighel. We're pretty much set now. Originally shared by **** OK another pass at storing data. Will summarize everything so far. /save maps, /save tokens, /save macros, /save tables will save a copy of the relevant information out the the Tabletop Forge server. Right now each save overwrites your previous one. /load maps, /load tokens, /load macros, /load tables will load the copy from the server into the dataset in the Hangout. For macros and tables this replaces what is currently in the Hangout. NEW! /localsave maps, /localsave tokens, /localsave macros, /localsave tables will prompt you for a file location to download a .json file to your desktop. Since this is coming from Tabletop Forge server and not context of the Hangout you may need to allow popups from Tabletop Forge. Feel free to rename the file whatever you want and if you are feeling brave look at how the data is structured to create your own files. Please note data format could change while in beta tho...

Just a little too late, Jason Beighel

Just a little too late, Jason Beighel Originally shared by **** First pass at saving some info to the Tabletop Forge server completed. /save tables and /save macros will save a copy of your macros/tables to the server. Currently a new save will overwrite an old one until I build in saving by campaign names (and UI to show you which ones you saved them under). /load tables and /load macros will load the files from the server. Also note this will override anything you currently have in the session. /save maps and /save tokens works right now but the loading functions are still in development. These will be wrapped in a UI soon so slash commands don't have to be used.
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.James LaManna, Bob Chubarov, Alison Ziesel, and Jason Beighel

In fact, I did enjoy that playtest.

In fact, I did enjoy that playtest. Originally shared by 13th Age Were you a #13thAge first round playtester? Add this badge to your blog or forum profile, and tell the world You Enjoyed That Playtest! NOTE: If You Did Not Enjoy That Playtest, we do not have a badge for that.